Greetings from the Recorder’s Office!
September proved to be a busy month at Bektash.
The Annual Bektash/Amy Freeman Golf Tournament was a lot of fun. The day started off in the low 50’s, but
by noon time, it was in the 80’s. The sun shone all day with no threat of rain. At last count, (thanks to Ill. Brent Norris, PP) over $9,000.00 was raised at this event with more coming in. The Bektash Chefs served up a light fare for all who attended and worked back here at the Temple. It was a great day.
On September 15-18, a group of Bektash Nobles, Ladies and families attended the annual Northeast Shrine Association Field Days and Parade. This year, the folks at Anah Shrine in Bangor Maine hosted the weekend.
Fifteen Shrine Temples were represented from the Northeast. What a blast! The weather was perfect, the parade route was mobbed with spectators, and we all marched. The Bektash Chefs donned their chef hats and gathered around a smoker/bbq grill made by Ill. John Freeman. They rode in the back of Oriental Guide Kenny Thoroughgood’s pickup truck, waving their spatulas at the crowds. Ill. Bill Hebert manned the hospitality room where we all met regularly and exchanged stories, jokes and some tall tales. Most of the funny stories were told by Ill. Ted Dooley who kept the whole hospitality room laughing and howling. If you haven’t attended a Northeast Shrine Association weekend, you’re missing a lot of fun.
We’re presently looking for some work done around the Temple. Our driveway is getting a little worn and needs some repairs for the cracks.
Then we have to get it sealed and relined for parking. If you know a Noble, or a reputable company, please drop me an email at
Also, our carpet in the banquet hall is ready for a good cleaning. We’ve spent a lot of money on our Temple and we should keep up with the maintenance. Once again, if you can recommend a person or company that we can use, contact us at the office or use the email provided above.
Here at the Bektash Office, we have made concerted efforts to save energy. As you know, the price of electricity and gas has risen substantially. We’ve used LED lighting when we can and constantly check on our use of energy. The air conditioning has been adjusted to not come on unless the building is occupied. We regularly monitor for lights left on, or kitchen fans running, etc. Please help us save money by being aware of wasted energy when you visit your Shrine facility. Think of it as being your “Home away from home”. Together, we can conserve energy and save money.
We appreciate your cooperation with this effort.
Until next time…Isn’t it great to be a Shriner?
Tom Brison, Recorder