Recorder’s Ramblings, December 2022

Dec 2, 2022 | Recorder

Can you believe it’s December already?

The Fez-tival of Trees is over, and we’ve had raving reviews from all that attended. While working at the event, I was holding the door for a little girl who was with her grandparents. I told them that the line to see Santa wasn’t very long and suggested that they go over to visit him soon. The little tyke looked up at me with big blue eyes and asked, “Are we at the North Pole?”. I replied, “Sweetheart, we can’t get any further North than where we are right now!”. Christmas through the eyes of a child is so heartwarming.

Our Treasurer, Ill. Bill Hebert has been hard at work around the building. He has changed almost all the outside lights to LED and outfitted them with dusk to dawn sensors rather than being on timers. It’s amazing how much brighter our parking lot at night is now, and we’ll save a lot on our electric bills with these changes.

We’ve contracted a land clearing company to clear out the brush and scrub trees beyond our back parking lot. They should be done in a few days, and it’s amazing the difference it makes.

Estimates have been received for repairing, repaving, and relining our parking lot. At this time, it looks like all the companies can level out the low spots and pave over what we presently have for asphalt. It’s much more inexpensive than tearing the whole thing up and going from scratch. If we wait much longer to repair it, we may end up ripping the whole parking lot out.

All of us at Bektash wish you and your families a safe, happy, and healthy holiday season. Oh yes…and Happy New Year, too!

Isn’t it great to be a Shriner?

Tom Brison, PP, Recorder