Recorder’s Ramblings April 2023

Apr 5, 2023 | Recorder

Our Administrative Assistant, Dixie was on vacation in the Philippines for a few weeks. (Welcome back, Dixie!!) While she was gone, we had a few folks fill in for her manning the front office. I’d like to thank Noble Dave Rouleau, Noble John Moore, Ill. PP Bob St. Jacques and my Lady, Marilyn Brison for stepping up to the plate. You all made my job so much easier and we all appreciate what you’ve done for Bektash. The spirit of volunteering is alive and well at your Temple! We couldn’t have done it without you.

As I mentioned last month, we are still in dire need for drivers to transport our Shrine kids to our hospitals. We presently have a patient who is receiving specialized care at our Philadelphia Shrine Hospital. Most of the time, the child, along with her mom, needs a ride to the local Manchester airport. It makes you feel good knowing you kept your promise to the Shrine and our kids by taking a little time to assist. Please, if you can, call us at the Bektash office, and we’ll put you on our list of drivers. We understand if you cannot be available for a transportation date, but with your help, not all the burden is on the shoulders of a certain few. Please consider volunteering, you will be glad you did.

Well, we had to finally cave in and buy a new ice machine in the kitchen area. The old machine would just stop working and would not keep the ice frozen. There were times that we’d go the get ice, and there would be a 10 lb. block sitting on the bottom of the ice maker. We’d reset it, but often, the next day it would be the same situation. A tip of the Fez to our 1st Ceremonial Master Pete Raven who is in the business, and got us a great deal on the equipment, and saved us some money. Nobody likes warm Camel’s milk.

As we swing into the warmer weather, it’s almost time for our annual temple grounds sprucing up. Stay tuned to the Bektash News for the time and date. Many hands make light work, and it’s fun to get together with our fellow Nobles and Ladies for a day outside and do a little yard work. Of course, there will be no joking around, or silly pranks played because we’re serious Shriners. NOT!

For those of you who have paid their 2023 dues, we extend you a hearty “Thank You”. If you are having issues with affording the dues, please, please give me a call at the office and I will personally do everything in my power to ease your financial burden. No one should be denied the privilege of being a Shrine/Mason if they’ve fallen on hard times. As the song says, “He ain’t heavy, he’s my brother”.

Your Divan has been working hard as a management team by engaging in discussions and trying new things to keep our events fun with fellowship. If you have any suggestions, take a moment to email or speak to a member of the Divan about them. You may very well have an idea that we haven’t considered. A good management team admits that it doesn’t have all the ideas, a good management team implements good ideas.

I guess I’ve said enough for today. Hope to see you soon!
It’s Great to be a Shriner!

Tom Brison, P.P., Recorder