Recorder’s Ramblings March 2024

Feb 29, 2024 | Recorder

If you missed the Potentates’ Valentine Ball, you surely missed a good time. The food, music and camaraderie were second to none. Marilyn and I sat with two Masonic couples that we didn’t know previously but had a wonderful time, rousing conversation and lots of laughs. One couple at our table won the 50/50 raffle and they were thrilled because they were going on a cruise the next day. It was a great evening for all of us.

One of the projects we’re working on is some additional lighting at the right rear of the back parking lot. We’ve upgraded all the outside lighting to LED which is much cheaper than sodium/halogen lights to run. LED lighting is also a lot brighter than the traditional bulbs we had. We’ve got some bids out to different electrical contractors to see what they can come up with for us. More to come on this next month.

As I stated last month, we could use the assistance of “Handy Man” services here at Bektash. Ill. Bill Hebert is in the process of moving out of state, and he performed many, many fixes on our building. I personally can do some of the repairs, but a second helping hand would certainly be a big help. If you feel you can assist this old Shriner out, Bektash would appreciate it.

It seems that the sound system had a failure during a recent Bingo game. We’ve contacted our sound guy Bob Malloy and he has assured us that we’ll be up and running before the next game. In the meantime, Ill. Bill Hebert ran out and got a portable sound system that looked like a karaoke machine. It would have been fun seeing Ill. Lloyd Doughty singing “Free Bird” to all the players. Guess it didn’t happen. You missed your calling, Lloyd.

By the time you read this, the repairs will be done at the back door of the hall. It seems that a snowplow operator had a “dust up” between his truck and the back door during one of our recent snowstorms. The awning was destroyed, and the doors were out of whack, along with some structural damage to the side of the entryway.

Once again, if you can submit a couple of pictures for the Bektash News, it would be great. You can’t beat free advertising. Email them to our editor, Dan Salo at editor@ with a brief description of who is in the photo, and he’ll publish it for you. How easy is that?

See you at the March 18th quarterly Bektash Stated Meeting. It starts at 7:00 sharp but come at 6:00 for some light fare and adult refreshments.

It’s great to be a Shriner!
Tom Brison, PP, Recorder