Potentate’s Message June 2024

May 30, 2024 | Potentate

Hello Everyone,

Another month has passed, and the warmth of spring is turning into the heat of summer. Parading season is upon us, and it’s been exciting seeing all the units plans and schedules coming through. Thank you everyone for all that you do with your individual units to promote Bektash.

We have had requests from several Nobles to look to start some new units. This is great news and a true expression of our membership’s commitment to the growth and development of our fraternity.

There has been a request for a Gaming unit, a Fire Fighters unit and an Ambassador’s unit to reach out to our communities and work within our Shrine. Each prospective unit has been chaired by a member of your Divan who is working to develop plans and help set these up. Please help the Divan by expressing your support for their efforts.

We’re looking forward to seeing you all at the Summer Ceremonial which is being held jointly with Kora Shrine in Fryberg. This should be a great weekend and an easy day trip even if you don’t have a hotel or campground reservation. The program runs from June 7ththrough 9th and details of various events and excursions are on the Bektash website.

Best wishes for another month and hope to see you all soon.

Ill. Alan Fillingham