Recorder’s Corner March 2025

Mar 1, 2025 | Recorder

Greetings Everyone!!

As I write this, we are having one of the first days in recent memory where the temperature is above 30 degrees!! And the wind isn’t howling either!! What a relief!!!!

Much to note to you all so here goes!!

What a great, well attended event the Valentines Ball was!! In spite of the nasty predicted weather, a great crowd with a lot of energy and fun. Celebration’s Catering, DJ Summer Brown and Ill. Sir Mark Simard’s auctioneering prowess did not disappoint!! Qudos to Katie Yankura and Zach Brosseau!! Thanks for a great time!!

Dixie continues to be a great help to me as I continue to learn this position. I truly appreciate her and everyone’s help! And so, I’ll get to some of the action items that need to be addressed.

Unit and Club heads, PLEASE, notify us as soon as possible when and if there are any changes in your leadership. We know that throughout the year, meetings occur and changes occur. We need this information not only for us here in the office but also it is required reporting for Tampa. Thank you in advance for your assistance and cooperation!!

The office has received notification from the Shriner’s Children’s New England and the Shriner’s Hospital for Children-Canada regards openings on their respective boards for full board members and or associate board positions at the end of 2025. Please, if this interests any of you, contact Ill. Sir Evan McIntosh for further information. This is time sensitive as we must submit names by May1st.

Please Nobles, don’t forget that every month the day and date for the Finance meeting is noted in this newsletter. Come and be a part of what the Divan is doing at YOUR SHRINE!!

And in furtherance of that point, the 1st Quarter Stated Meeting will be MONDAY MARCH 24th !! This is a week later than usual due to the Potentate’s trip to Costa Rica. Hope to see everyone at the Stated!! There will be candidates to vote on and other important business to talk about. Please come out and again, support YOUR Shrine. Further information is this edition!!

As for upcoming events, Kenny and the Chefs are working diligently on a St. Patrick’s Day Event!! Scheduled for March 15th, let’s pack this place with Nobles, our ladies, and friends for some Irish Hospitality and FUN!!

The New England Masonic Brotherhood Night is March 29th here at Bektash!! Let’s make every effort to join our Most Worshipful Grand Master Daniel Hotchkiss and his respective counterparts and brethren from throughout New England for this program. It should be another great Masonic night here at Bektash.

Lady Stacey Raven and High Priest and Prophet Peter have been working diligently with their team to put on our Easter EGG STRAVAGANZA!! Please consider helping out during the first week and weekend in April!! Helping with setting up, selling tickets, donating a basket and break down will make this event successful!! Remember the adage, many hands make for light work” and really, this event like the FezTival of Trees has become so important for us here at Bektash!!

We continue to see dues coming in and it is truly appreciated!! We all get busy and forget but please, as was noted in my last report, if you are having an issue, reach out. There are ways for us to help if anyone is having difficulty.

As I conclude, it’s obvious that we have a lot going on and planned this year here at Bektash. Come be a part of YOUR SHRINE and bring a friend!! It’s always great to see you all!!

