Recorder’s Ramblings July 2023

Jun 30, 2023 | Recorder

We all want to welcome our newest Nobles to Bektash. On Monday, June 19 at our stated meeting, two candidates who were voted on, obligated, and presented with their new Fez. Our new members are Noble John Simonds and Noble James (Jamie) Apostolos and we congratulate them both. Welcome aboard!!

Exciting news! Our driveway and parking lot are almost finished. The base coat (winter base) is installed, and they will be doing the topcoat soon. When that is done, the contractor will be installing an eight-inch-deep concrete pad in front of our dumpster. Over the years, when the truck comes to empty the dumpster, large deep ruts have formed on the edge of the pavement. This will prevent it from happening again. After all this is completed, Ill. Bill Hebert and I will be drawing out plans for the line striping for parking. We’ve come up with a couple of ideas which will improve traffic flow, especially during the Thursday Bingo Game.

At our Stated Meeting this past Monday, there were numerous items brought up for discussion. There were around six proposed changes to our Imperial Bylaws to be voted on at the Imperial Session in July. Our Potentate went through each one and asked the nobility present to vote on the articles. With the proposed amendments considered by the Bektash nobles, our Representatives to the Imperial Session Ill. Paul Little and Chief Rabban Alan Fillingham are directed to vote for the conscience of Bektash.

It was voted at the meeting to update and purchase a new amplifier for the small section of the hall. As I stated before, the old amp was giving up the ghost intermittently. Hopefully, withing the next couple of weeks we’ll have it installed and running.

The new keyless entry system was approved by our nobility. It works on a credit card style system almost like a lock on a hotel room. It can be remotely controlled via computer software and even by the office staffs’ personal cell phones. It all ties into our security cameras stationed around the building. It’ll be a lot more inexpensive than having to re-key the facility every few years. If a card is lost, we can disable it and it won’t work on the doors. We’d like to make sure that all the unit/club heads who meet at Bektash get a key. If you need one, please give me a call at the office 603-225-5372 and let me know. The new system is not installed yet, but I’ll put you on the list to receive a key card as soon as it’s up and running.

As we’ve discussed before, please consider taking pictures at your next parade/meeting/picnic/outing and email it to Noble Dan Salo. His address is When you submit the picture, please type a brief description of the event and the names of the Nobles with the photo. The Bektash News is your publication, and we all benefit from your news submissions and pictures.

Isn’t it great to be a Shriner?
Tom Brison, PP, Recorder