The Imperial Session in Reno is now over, and numerous proposals were brought up for voting. If you have any questions about the votes, please let our Potentate Alan Fillingham and Chief Rabban Evan McIntosh know. They are Bektash’s Imperial reps and are required to attend all the meetings. They should be able to give you a firsthand impression of the activities and votes.
At our Stated Meeting on June 17th, we discussed many things. One of the important items was a change to Bektash’s Bylaws. We will vote on this change at our September Stated Meeting. The proposal will eliminate our requirement to have a yearly audit by a CPA. Our bylaws require this audit, but Imperial bylaws say we only must have a Financial Review by a CPA. This change will save us money and time preparing for this annual occurrence. If you have any questions about this change, please contact me in the office at 225-5372. I’ll be happy to explain the proposal.
Be sure to mark your calendars for the Bektash Summer Picnic on July 12th. Ill. Brett Norris and Lady Tracey are your hosts for the day. They always do an awesome job and it’s always fun.
The Northeast Shrine Association Field Days will be held in Kingston, Ontario on September 19-22. Please take note of the reservation form and the schedule of events for this great weekend. We only have 20 rooms at the present time, and it appears that they’ll fill quickly. We can also take your reservations over the phone with a credit card.
Ill. Mark Simard has offered to assist in installing a new sink (with plumbing) next to our bar in the main hall. Our Chief Steward, Shawn Buxton has asked about this, and so has the Concord Health Department.
There have been numerous repairs made around the building. We have a new threshold on the kitchen doorway, some siding by the rear door has been replaced, the molding around the top of the nobility lounge was reattached, and the rear door locking mechanism has been replaced.
That’s about all I have for you this month. Remember to submit photos of your parades and picnics for the Bektash News. Free advertising is a good thing!
It’s great to be a Shriner!
Tom Brison, PP, Recorder