Recorder’s Ramblings November 2023

Oct 31, 2023 | Recorder

Finally, our driveway is done! The striping was completed about a week ago. The 8” deep cement pad has been installed in front of the dumpster to minimize any damage done when the receptacle is emptied on Wednesday. Some signs have been ordered for the handicapped spots and the fire lane restrictions. We should have them installed before the Feztival of Trees.

Speaking of the Feztival of Trees, it’s fast approaching, and the committee has been working hard to finalize things for the event. If you wish to donate a tree (or know of someone who wants to donate), visit the Bektash website: Scroll down the page to the Feztival of Trees tab and you can donate there.

Thanks to all who have paid their dues for 2024. We’ve also had some conscientious Shriners who have paid their 2023 dues along with the current dues for next year. Did you know that you can also pay your dues on It’s right on the top of the webpage and you can pay by credit card. We all appreciate your efforts and your membership to our great organization. If you’re having any difficulties financially, please call and let me know personally. We are all brethren, and we look out for one another. I will keep your situation confidential; I promise!

We’ve had a couple of phone calls from nobles who want to know the procedure for getting a child into the Shriner Hospital network. It’s very easy to do. Just inform the parent or guardian of the child to have their Primary Care Physician call the Shriners network for a referral. It’s that easy. The number to call is 1-800-237-5055. This number is the official Shriners Headquarters phone number for referrals. If you have any questions at all, please contact the Bektash Office and we will happily assist you.

Tabs, tabs, tabs. Yes, we are still collecting them for our transportation fund. The tabs we can accept are aluminum and come from either soft drink or beer cans. We can’t recycle steel tabs from fruit containers or pet food cans. The way to quickly check if they’re aluminum is to take a magnet (even a refrigerator magnet will do) and pass it over the tab. If it sticks to the magnet, it’s a steel tab. If it doesn’t stick to the magnet, then it’s aluminum and we can use it. Our transportation fund is actively used for our patients to get to the hospitals for treatment. If you so desire, you can also donate to the fund. Because it’s a hospital donation, it is tax deductible. We cannot use this fund for anything other than transportation and housing for the child and their parent/ guardian while they’re in the hospital.

Here’s wishing you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving. Even when times are tough, we should always remember the things we are blessed to be thankful for!

It’s Great to be a Shrine Mason!

Tom Brison, PP, Recorder